Here are some of the ways we can help:

  1. Your Caring Advocates Certified Planning Professional will evaluate you regarding whether a Physician Order for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST); and/or the combination, Natural Dying Advance Directive and Natural Dying Physician's Orders (NDAD/NDPO) are appropriate for you. (Many people find it a good idea to look this over before visiting with your Planning Professional or Physician.)
    1. Did you have mental ability to make end-of-life medical and care decisions?
    2. Were you fully informed about the Natural Dying Physician's Orders?
    3. Did you willingly give competent, voluntary consent to the Natural Dying Physician's Orders? (Opinions A, B, & C must be confirmed by your personal Physician.)
    4. Did you want to invoke an irrevocable (Ulysses contract) so that your prior competent wishes expressed in your Living Will cannot be sabotaged by your future incompetent self?
  2. Should you decide to create a video recording via Interview by Internet, explaining your end-of-life choices and why you made them, Caring Advocates will provide you with a copy of your interview or you can upload your video to Program so the video can be used as proof in the event others challenge your wishes after you are no longer competent.
  3. Your Planning Professional will help complete your Natural Dying  Advance Directive to Permit and guide you to making it legally valid by the signatures of qualified witnesses.
  4. Your Planning Professional will also explain why you might want to consider signing and distributing a Patient/ Proxy Contract of Agreement while you wait to copy and distribute your Natural Dying Advance Directive/Natural Dying Physician Orders  until it is time to implement this document.
  5. With your permission, your Planning Professional can send a Physician a letter to become your Implementing Physician. It asks him/her to sign your NDPO, cites laws that provide your Physician legal immunity, and states that distributing NDPO complies with HIPAA.
  6. If you enroll in the Caring Advocates' Program, you can upload all of your Advance Care Planning Documents, videos, financial papers, etc. and Caring Advocates will provide you with a wallet card so that others can retrieve your documents via your unique 2D barcode, by scanning with any Smart Phone on a 24/7 basis. Then, others can immediately learn about your end-of-life wishes. We can help you order "DNR Medallion," which will reflect the order that first responders need to know, including DNR (No CPR; Do Not Attempt Resuscitation).  These Medallions are not provided until you or your proxy/agent and your physician sign your State approve DNR Form or POLST/POST/MOLST/MOST Form. A DNR Medallion is highly recommended for many states since EMTs and paramedics are trained to respond to its orders if your DNR/POLST Form cannot be immediately found on the refrigerator door or bedpost.
  7. To see what Caring Advocates Living Will Planning Package includes “click here

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