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Name: Stanley A. Terman, Ph.D., M.D.
Location: Carlsbad, California, US

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Friday, December 08, 2006

No Miracle Drug for Persistent Vegetative State

"J" suffered a massive brain hemorrhage in 1993, went into a coma and PVS. Three months ago, court proceedings began "to discontinue and withhold life-sustaining treatment including nutrition and hydration in a way that she would suffer the least distress," and "retain the greatest dignity until such time as her life comes to an end." But a British Judge insisted that she receive a trial of the drug "zolpidem" (a sleeping pill), which some clinicians claim can "wake" up some PVS patients. The patient’s husband, two daughters and mother unanimously supported the view withdrawing artificial nutrition and hydration was in her best interests. They based their judgement on previous conversations with her. They also had no doubt that she would not wish her life to be prolonged in her present condition. Furthermore, they argued that it would be "unbearably cruel" if “J” did regain consciousness because then, she would experience anguish as she realized her situation.
The British Judge rejected the family member’s argument. He listened to opposing arugments and insisted the drug be given.
Result: The drug only made her sleepier.
Finally, all Food & Fluid can be ceased. Links: BMJ 2006;333:1089 (25 November), doi:10.1136/bmj.39041.664433.DB, and David Pallister, Thursday December 7, 2006, Guardian


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