Caring Advocates Blog & News

This web blog considers current news items that are relevant to end-of-life choices that are legal and peaceful--both as matters of individual choice and of public policy. We welcome your comments on any posted article (click on "COMMENTS" below a story), and your suggestions of additional articles OR your own story.

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Name: Stanley A. Terman, Ph.D., M.D.
Location: Carlsbad, California, US

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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

If you want to live, your Living Will must include detailed specifics

The New York Times of November 28, 2006, has a "Personal Health" article by Jane E. Brody entitled, "Medical Due Diligence: A Living Will Should Spell Out the Specifics." The article points out how physicians may interpret written instructions for specific treatments differently, and that they should do so, depending on the other circumstances of the patient. Instructions not to intervene aggressively could lead to death when the intervention might lead to resumption of life nearly as functional as before.

The article suggests a more detailed "code status," but we at Caring Advocates disagree. The better way to make end of life decisions is to use a Proxy Directive. That is the more prudent document. Authorize a person you trust to speak to your doctors and make the decision based on what is going on at the time.


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