Diligent Plan to Generate Your NDLW: choose a donation

$149 Suggested Donation.

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  • Describes and illustrates 50 conditions
  • Describes an effective and acceptable intervention (Natural Dying)
  • Memorializes your treatment decision for each condition
  • Sends you a digital, state-specific proxy directive
  • Sends you digital and printed versions of your Natural Dying Living Will
  • Sends you physician friendly version of your Natural Dying Living Will
  • Sends you form that requests total relief from pain and suffering
  • Sends you form to refuse assisted feeding and hydrating
  • Sends you clinician’s feedback on video regarding consistency of your decisions
  • Sends you a guideline to video recording of the oral testimony of your Natural Dying Living Will

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Text your question to 760 704 7524.
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Call backs usually 9 to 5 Pacific Time.

Current Pacific Time: 12:36 pm